If you want to understand the culture of a sport — if you wanna find out, for example, why upwards of 80% of the greatest basketball league in the world may smoke weed — you can’t really go to the superstar athletes. They’re too famous. Have too much job security.
You really need to go to California and meet Matt Barnes.
Because the most distinguishing thing about Matt Barnes, to me, is his candor. About what it’s like to play for nine different teams over a 14-year NBA career. And about what it’s like to have been, most importantly, according to my research, arguably the biggest stoner in professional basketball.
Because Matt played in the league when smoking weed really meant something. When it was very obviously still illicit, in the NBA and in the United States, back before dispensaries and stores popped up throughout 38 of 50 American states. And long before the commissioner decided, finally, to not even bother testing for marijuana anymore. A staggering new normal for anyone who had to do what Matt Barnes did, before games, to avoid ever getting punished.
All of which led to a few long-held, personal curiosities that Matt — co-host of All The Smoke, our cousin here at Meadowlark Media — was eager to demystify.
Such as: How in the world did he avoid getting suspended for marijuana?
And: If a supermajority of the best basketball players in the world smoke weed, is it possible that it is, in actuality, a performance-enhancing drug?
As you look to expose people, you are "harvesting" marijuana strains, I find this immoral in its' own right, given the massive combination of coercion for legalization, lack of clarity, aggressive info input, etc.
same matt barnes who threatens high schoolers? yeah, won't be reading or watching that