Stop Grinding (Your Teeth At Night)
EPISODE 49: Mina, Dan, and I realize why Travis Kelce is America's cruise director.
On today’s increasingly graphic Share & Tell, Mina, Dan, and I reconvene to discuss three stories which include — but are never limited to — the following…
“Kicking the Habit” (by Amanda Knox, Slate)
“The People Who Brought You Travis Kelce” (by Zach Schonbrun, New York Times)
“They Sold Everything to Go on a Three-Year Cruise. How It All Unraveled” (by Ceylan Yeginsu, NYT)
Plus: mouthguards, dorky cussing, clenched fists, Big Masseuse, 16-beers-deep Chris Cote, and a casual aside about allegedly murdering your roommate.
Please enjoy.
See you on Deck 16,