I really admire the naive, almost innocent, nature of youthfully using disinformation simply to get a chuckle. Before there was this Orwellian Deep Fake we’re living in now, The Onion made us question authenticity unlike how National Lampoon’s Cheeseface could ever hope to achieve. Which brings me to the crux of this episode. Regardless whether Kieran feels true contrition or Alexander had already adopted a c’est la vie attitude towards his career, it’s hard to deny that something seems inauthentic about their futures. Like Dostoevsky’s Double and Kafka’s Mr. K, each must now and forever wonder which existence is of self substance and which is created by others. And ultimately question the validity of both.
I really admire the naive, almost innocent, nature of youthfully using disinformation simply to get a chuckle. Before there was this Orwellian Deep Fake we’re living in now, The Onion made us question authenticity unlike how National Lampoon’s Cheeseface could ever hope to achieve. Which brings me to the crux of this episode. Regardless whether Kieran feels true contrition or Alexander had already adopted a c’est la vie attitude towards his career, it’s hard to deny that something seems inauthentic about their futures. Like Dostoevsky’s Double and Kafka’s Mr. K, each must now and forever wonder which existence is of self substance and which is created by others. And ultimately question the validity of both.
Oh, so Mina is back tomorrow? Awesome!